About Quincy Physical Therapy
Teaching each and every patient how to live life free of fear and confident in their own self- healing
At Quincy Physical Therapy we use the combination of manual therapy, exercise to get you feeling better for the short and long term. We believe that all healthy bodies are a result of a promotion of self-efficiency and self-resilience all via education of the self and the body. A large part of that education comes with learning the mobility and strengthening programs that we teach and share through our practice. Treating each patient as an individual and designing plans unique to you is our goal. At Quincy PT, we will teach you how to distill your fear and instill the confidence that you need in yourself, your body and your body’s movements to heal. We don’t just look just at your isolated injury or pain, we look at the whole picture, we look at you. We want to help teach you how to teach your body to learn how to heal itself through our professional and evidence-based approach at healing and achieving YOUR goals. Our mission is to have you functioning as the best version of yourself.
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